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Clarity and perspective on state climate policy.

A think tank producing rigorous, accessible data for advocates, policymakers, & the public.





Our data reports evaluate climate policies across the states, often in partnership with local advocates.


How much will New York utilities spend to replace all of the state’s leak-prone pipe?

How much of this spending could be avoided with targeted electrification?

How many homes would be electrified in process?

Leak-Prone Pipe Replacement & Targeted Electrification

future of gas

Gas Leak Black_2x.png
Gas Leak Orange_2x.png
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dollar sign orange_2x.png
dollar sign black_2x.png

New York

climate funding

New York State is planning to launch a Cap-and-Invest program.

How much revenue would Cap-and-Invest generate?

What would be the impact of investing this money in building decarbonization, community-led projects, and direct rebates?

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Blending orange.png
Blending black.png

Blending Hydrogen & Natural Gas

green hydrogen

Gas companies in New York want to blend hydrogen into the state’s natural gas system...

How efficient would that be, compared to installing heat pumps?

How much renewable energy would need to be diverted to make the hydrogen?

What are the emissions implications, given that rogue hydrogen is itself a greenhouse gas?

Untitled design (35).png
Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.40.22 AM.png

New York State spent $2.4B on energy efficiency from 2020 to 2023...

How many of these ratepayer dollars went to equitable decarbonization?

Is NY's primary building decarb program getting meaningful reforms?

New Efficiency New York

energy efficiency

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Heat pumps orange.png
Heat pumps.png

Bucks for Boilers

building decarbonization

How many New Yorkers would lower their energy bills with heat pumps?

How many homes would need insulation to see savings?

What subsidies would be needed for everyone to afford these upgrades?

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Rooftop Solar orange.png
Rooftop Solar.png

Residential Solar Tax Credit Reform Act

rooftop solar

Are high-income New Yorkers more likely to install rooftop solar?

Has the State's biggest solar subsidy widened this rooftop solar gap?

Would making tax credits accessible to all make solar more affordable?

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.40.22 AM.png
Energy Bills orange.png
Energy Bills.png


energy affordability

How many New Yorkers are highly energy burdened?

If New York state capped utility bills at 6% of income, how much money would these households save every month?

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Blizzards orange.png

Buffalo, Blizzards, and the CLCPA

climate resilience

Would implementing New York's Climate Plan improve the safety of Buffalo residents during future blizzards?

How would the Plan reduce power outages while promoting outage-resistant building heating and weatherization?

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Electric New Construction orange.png
Electric New Construction.png

All-Electric Building Act

new building electrification

If New York State mandated that all new buildings be built without fossil fuels, would the residents of newly-built, all-electric homes save money?

What role do geography, heating fuels, and heat pump technologies play in producing savings?

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.40.22 AM.png
  • New York State spent $2.4B on energy efficiency from 2020 to 2023.

    How many of these ratepayer dollars went

    to equitable decarbonization?

    Is NY's primary building

    decarb program getting

    meaningful reforms?

    Electric New Construction.png

energy efficiency

New Efficiency New York

  • Rooftop Solar.png

    Are high-income New Yorkers more likely to install rooftop solar?

    Has the State's biggest solar subsidy widened this rooftop gap?

    Would making tax credits accessible to all make solar more affordable?

Solar Tax
Credit Reform Act

energy efficiency

  • New York State spent $2.4B on energy efficiency from 2020 to 2023.

    How many of these ratepayer dollars went

    to equitable decarbonization?

    Is NY's primary building

    decarb program getting

    meaningful reforms?

    Electric New Construction.png

Buffalo, Blizzards, and the CLCPA

climate resilience


Our data reports evaluate climate policies across the states, often in partnership with local advocates.

  • How many New Yorkers would lower their energy bills with heat pumps? 

    How many homes would need insulation to see savings?

    What subsidies would be needed for everyone to afford these upgrades?

    Heat pumps.png

building decarbonization

Bucks for Boilers

  • How many New Yorkers would lower their energy bills with heat pumps? 

    How many homes would need insulation to see savings?

    What subsidies would be needed for everyone to afford these upgrades?

    Heat pumps.png

energy affordability


  • How many New Yorkers would lower their energy bills with heat pumps? 

    How many homes would need insulation to see savings?

    What subsidies would be needed for everyone to afford these upgrades?

    Heat pumps.png

new building electrification

All-Electric Building Act

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Occasional updates on upcoming events and reports. No spam. 

Virtual Speaker Series

Hear from—and chat with—leading wonks and policymakers about what's new in state-level climate policy.

More events coming soon...


Our research often makes state and local headlines. Check out some coverage of recent reports.

New York Utilities Pour Billions Into Replacing Old Gas Pipes. Is There a Better Way?

March 10, 2025

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.40.22 AM.png

Your Utility Bill Keeps Going Up. Could The NY Heat Act Stop It?

February 26, 2025

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New Yorkers are getting burned by heating costs as gas bills soar, report says

January 30, 2025

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Opinion: Expand NY’s Residential Solar Tax Credit

January 20, 2025

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What If Kathy Hochul Is Violating New York’s Climate Law?

January 15, 2025

heatmap (1).webp
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NY Defers Action on Controversial Cap-and-invest

January 14, 2025

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Most New York households would benefit from higher cap-and-invest prices, report says

January 13, 2025
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Few low-income New Yorkers receive solar subsidies

April 15, 2024

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New York's solar energy incentives exclude low-income residents, report says

April 14, 2024

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Advocates pressure legislators to adopt NY HEAT Act

March 6, 2024

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Heating Up Savings

March 5, 2024
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New legislation could save New Yorkers $75 a month on utility bills

February 9, 2024

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Will New York's climate plan put you at risk during winter storms?

December 13, 2023

buffalo news.png
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Report: Climate Act Could Help Buffalo

March 30, 2023

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Electrifying new buildings can reduce Long Island's heating costs, climate activists say

December 13, 2022

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Virtual Speaker Series

Hear from—and chat with—leading wonks and policymakers about what's new in state-level climate policy.

More speakers coming soon...

Support our non-profit mission of bringing perspective and clarity to state climate policy.

  • New York State spent $2.4B on energy efficiency from 2020 to 2023.

    How many of these ratepayer dollars went to equitable decarbonization?

    Is NY's primary building decarbonization program getting meaningful reforms?

    Electric New Construction.png

energy efficiency

New Efficiency New York

  • Gas Leak Black_2x.png

    How much will New York utilities spend to replace all of the state’s leak-prone pipe?

    How much of this spending could be avoided with targeted electrification?

    How many homes would be electrified in process?

Leak-Prone Pipe Replacement & Targeted Electrification

future of gas

  • Would implementing New York's Climate Plan improve the safety of Buffalo residents during future blizzards?

    How would the plan reduce power outages while promoting outage-resistant building heating and weatherization?


Buffalo, Blizzards, and the CLCPA

climate resilience


Our data reports evaluate climate policies across the states, often in partnership with local advocates.

  • If New York State mandated that all new buildings be built without fossil fuels, would

    the residents of newly-built, all-electric homes save money?

    What role do geography, heating fuels, and heat pump technologies play in producing savings?

    Electric New Construction.png

new building electrification

All-Electric Building Act

  • How many New Yorkers would lower their energy bills with heat pumps? 

    How many homes would need insulation to see savings?

    What subsidies would be needed for everyone to afford these upgrades?

    Heat pumps.png

building decarbonization

Bucks for Boilers

  • How many New Yorkers are highly energy burdened?

    If New York State capped utility bills at 6% of income, how much money would these households save every month?

    Energy Bills.png

energy affordability


  • Rooftop Solar.png

    Are high-income New Yorkers more likely to install rooftop solar?

    Has the State's biggest solar subsidy widened this rooftop gap?

    Would making tax credits accessible to all make solar more affordable?

Solar Tax Credit Reform Act

rooftop solar

  • New York State is planning to launch a Cap-and-Invest program.

    How much revenue would Cap-and-Invest generate?

    What would be the impact of investing this money in building decarbonization, community-led projects, and direct rebates?

    dollar sign black_2x.png

New York

climate funding

  • Gas companies in New York want to blend hydrogen into the state’s natural gas system.

    How efficient would that be, compared to installing heat pumps?

    How much renewable energy would need to be diverted to make the hydrogen?

    What are the emissions implications, given that rogue hydrogen is itself a greenhouse gas?

    Blending black.png

Blending Hydrogen
& Natural Gas

green hydrogen

Untitled design (35).png


Our research often makes state and local headlines. Check out some coverage of recent reports.

Few low-income New Yorkers receive solar subsidies


April 15, 2024

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New Yorkers are getting burned by heating costs as gas bills soar, report says


January 30, 2025

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New York's solar energy incentives exclude low-income residents, report says


April 14, 2024

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What If Kathy Hochul Is Violating New York’s Climate Law?

heatmap (1).webp

January 15, 2025

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.40.22 AM.png

NY Defers Action on Controversial Cap-and-invest


January 14, 2025

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New York Utilities Pour Billions Into Replacing Old Gas Pipes. Is There a Better Way?


March 10, 2025

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Advocates pressure legislators to adopt NY


March 6, 2024

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Heating Up Savings

March 5, 2024

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New legislation could save New Yorkers $75 a month on utility bills

February 9, 2024

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Will New York's climate plan put you at risk during winter storms?

buffalo news.png

December 13, 2023

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Report: Climate Act Could Help Buffalo


March 30, 2023

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Electrifying new buildings can reduce Long Island's heating costs, climate activists say


December 13, 2022

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Most New York households would benefit from higher cap-and-invest prices, report says

January 13, 2025

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Your Utility Bill Keeps Going Up. Could The NY Heat Act Stop It?


February 26, 2025

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Opinion: Expand NY’s Residential Solar Tax Credit


January 20, 2025

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